ABIM's Decision: A Prelude to Censorship in Medicine?

ABIM's Decision Against Us Was Predetermined
Why We Were Never Going to be Declared Innocent
From the outset, the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) had made up its mind about us. Despite the fact that our Covid treatment guidance was based on solid evidence and proved effective, they were never going to absolve us of their accusations of misinformation. If they had declared us "innocent", it would have jeopardized the decisions made by medical boards across the country, who have persecuted hundreds of doctors for using treatments like ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, or for recommending against Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy products. Furthermore, it could have potentially sparked a flood of lawsuits from families of patients who died due to lack of early treatments.
The Power of Mega-Corporations Over Our Health
These incidents, which led to the loss of so many lives, highlight the immense power of mega-corporations. They prioritized their financial interests over our health and lives. Their influence extends to nearly every institution of society and Science, including media, journals, health agencies, politicians, medical schools, and physicians. They managed to deprive an entire country, and indeed the world, of the most effective, inexpensive, safe, and widely available treatments for Covid. My greatest fear is that this crime against humanity may be forgotten and erased from history.
Big Pharma's Threat and Our Naivete
The lucrative opportunities that Covid presented to Big Pharma were threatened by the inconvenient truths that we exposed. The ABIM's action is a form of punishment for those who dare to challenge Big Pharma's interests. It wasn't heroism on our part, but rather extreme naivete. We didn't anticipate the consequences of advocating for the use of off-patent medicines for a disease that has proven immensely profitable.
The Personal Cost of Speaking Truth
Speaking the truth has cost me three jobs and three Board certifications. Before Covid, I was well-known in my specialty and was about to become a Full Professor when I resigned as Chief of the Critical Care Service at the University of Wisconsin. But despite these setbacks, I am still standing. I am currently practicing medicine at my Leading Edge Clinic with my amazing partner Scott Marsland. We specialize in treating vaccine injury syndromes and Long Covid, and we are close to having treated our 1,400th patient.
The Consequences of Losing Board Certification
Board certification is not a license to practice medicine; that comes from state medical licensing Boards. However, losing Board certification has effectively ended any hope of me returning to an academic or system position. Board Certification was originally a badge of distinction, but it has been weaponized and monetized. Currently, you cannot obtain a faculty appointment at an academic medical center or work for most hospitals without it. Insurance plans also require it for you to be on their provider panels. Despite being fully excommunicated from the system, I am actually relieved.
The Devastating Impact of Censorship
What happened to me this week is a clear case of censorship. It was done to destroy my reputation and credibility and to send a message to doctors that straying from the consensus, no matter how scientifically absurd, dangerous, or ineffective, will result in punishment. This will have an incalculable impact on patients. Doctors will no longer be able to practice medicine with the autonomy they need to make the best decisions for each individual patient. They will be forced to follow protocolized treatments recommended by society guidelines, which are often influenced by Pharma. This is a terrifying prospect.
The Death of Medicine as We Know It
If having a differing scientific opinion can cost you your career, then Medicine and Science as we know them are dead. In our defenses, we challenged the ABIM, asking them to define the line between legitimate scientific debate and outright misinformation. Misinformation is defined as "incorrect or misleading" information. For us to be misinformationists, it would mean that all the data from trials and studies that exist for therapeutics in Covid are incorrect or misleading. This is a matter of interpretation of the body of evidence.
Our Evolution with the Data
We always adhered to a "totality of the evidence" approach, drawing from in-vitro, in-vivo, clinical, and epidemiologic data. Unlike the agencies that quickly determined that the vaccines were safe and effective and never deviated from that stance, we evolved with the data. We always questioned and reviewed new data as it emerged. This led us to reach a consensus that the vaccines should be avoided at all costs.
Bottom Line
The ABIM's actions will have a dangerous impact on all our lives because it will further erode and destroy the patient-physician relationship. Physicians must be allowed to practice their craft freely, informed by clinical experience. Groups like the ABIM should support and encourage evidence-based debate and patient-centered care. Instead, they have suppressed both the debate and the treatment approach by persecuting its proponents. This campaign must be stopped, its origins and evolution must be thoroughly documented, and it must never be allowed to recur. Physician autonomy must be restored lest all patients suffer.
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