Bovard Discusses Democrats' Long-Standing Battle Against Honest Voting
Preventing Election Fraud: A Violation of the Voting Rights Act?
The Justice Department under President Joe Biden has recently suggested that it's a federal crime to prevent illegal ballots in presidential elections. This came to light when, just a month before the 2024 election, the Justice Department filed a lawsuit against the state of Virginia to stop it from removing noncitizens from its voting rolls. Governor Glenn Youngkin was merely enforcing a 2006 Virginia law, but the Biden administration saw this as an attack on democracy. Youngkin, in response, criticized the federal lawsuit as a desperate attempt to undermine the legitimacy of Virginia's elections.
The Democrats' War Against Honest Voting
This lawsuit is the latest event in the Democrats' long-standing battle against honest voting. This war began with the Clinton administration's Motor Voter Act in 1993. The law required voter registration in every welfare and food-stamp office across the country. Brent Thompson, executive director of the Fair Government Foundation, noted in 1996 that the Motor Voter law eliminated numerous anti-fraud mechanisms that states had long relied on to prevent and deter fraudulent voting.
Democratic Opposition to Voter Identification Requirements
In 2015, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton criticized voter identification requirements, claiming they were part of a broad effort to disenfranchise people of color, the poor, and young people. She believed that verifying identification was unnecessary as long as enough ballots with her name checked off appeared. However, lax voting procedures in some states were not enough to secure her the presidency.
Impact of Covid-19 on Voting Procedures
The panic caused by Covid-19 allowed politicians to significantly relax the rules for the next presidential election. Many states made it easier, if not automatic, to vote by mail. Some states even abandoned any effort to verify mail ballots, dropping requirements for matching signatures, return addresses, or having a witness verify the person and the vote. Democrats were successful in discarding state laws related to absentee ballot verification, deadlines, and other laws, all under the pretext of Covid.
Controversy Over Electoral Rule Changes
Despite the controversy over these electoral rule changes, Biden's media allies created a narrative that denied any fraud. The New York Times, a week after Election Day, ran a headline stating that election officials nationwide found no fraud. This claim was based on their reporters calling election officials in each state and asking about fraud. The suggestion that an election with over 100 million voters could be completely free of fraud is highly unlikely without divine intervention.
Media's Portrayal of Voter Fraud
Most of the American media portrayed voter fraud as so rare that even suggesting its occurrence was considered a heresy against democracy. However, a few weeks after Biden was sworn in as president, a federal investigation revealed that the U.S. government had funded some of the most blatantly corrupt elections in recent times. The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) issued a report revealing that the result of 15 years of U.S. pro-democracy assistance was that Afghanistan's 2019 presidential election was the most corrupt the country had ever held.
The Biden Administration's Exploitation of Covid-Era Precedents
The Biden administration sought to use Covid-era precedents to transform America into a Drop Box Democracy, where minimal efforts by voters automatically sanctify maximum power for politicians. In 2021, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, the For the People Act, to force all states to adopt the most unreliable electoral procedures used during the pandemic. However, the bill failed in the Senate.
Democrats' Preferred Substitute for Election Integrity
The Democrats' preferred substitute for election integrity continues to be histrionics and shenanigans. Kamala Harris, for instance, objected to voter identification requirements, claiming it was "almost impossible" for rural voters to photocopy their identification papers. Moreover, the city of Detroit responded to a Republican National Party Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for ballot drop box surveillance footage by claiming that the footage had been deleted—after the FOIA request was received.
Lawsuits Regarding Absentee Mail-In Ballots
Lawsuits are currently underway regarding lax standards for absentee mail-in ballots in North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, and other states. Preventing fraudulent ballots should not be treated like a moral or theological issue. The question arises: when did verifying votes become a crime against democracy? Why is the Justice Department campaigning to turn voting into an entitlement program for non-citizens? Are Democrats trying to make the actual voting as fraud-ridden as politicians' campaign promises?
Bottom Line
Elections need rigorous safeguards against fraud because, as Thomas Paine warned long ago, "the trade of governing has always been monopolized by… the most rascally individuals of mankind." Four presidential elections since 2000 have been heavily tainted by allegations of foul play. American democracy has zero legitimacy to spare at this point. What are your thoughts on this matter? Do you agree or disagree with the points raised in this article? Share your thoughts with your friends and sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is delivered every day at 6pm.