The Popularity of Beer in the United States
Beer is an integral part of American culture, from backyard barbecues to Sunday night football. It's the preferred alcoholic beverage for North and South Americans, as indicated by WHO data. A map created by Kayla Zhu of Visual Capitalist shows the annual per capita ethanol consumption of beer in gallons in 2022 by U.S. state. The data was sourced from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), which calculates alcohol consumption in terms of ethanol volume. To give you an idea, a six-pack of beer contains 0.025 gallons of ethanol. The consumption figures only include people aged 14 and above and are based on alcoholic beverage sales data collected by various sources.
The States with the Highest Beer Consumption
The following list shows the annual per capita ethanol consumption of beer in gallons in 2022 for each state.
New Hampshire leads the list with 1.66 gallons, followed by Montana with 1.58 gallons, and Vermont with 1.54 gallons. Other states with high consumption rates include North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Maine, South Dakota, Louisiana, and Hawaii.
The Northeastern states, especially New Hampshire and Vermont, have some of the highest beer consumption rates in the country. New Hampshire doesn't have a state sales tax, which makes alcohol prices considerably lower than in neighboring states. This probably results in higher alcohol sales rather than necessarily higher consumption. According to the New Hampshire Liquor Commission, more than half of the sales at New Hampshire liquor stores come from out-of-state customers. Many of these state-owned liquor stores are strategically located near state borders.
Global Beer Consumption Compared to the U.S.
When compared to global per capita consumption, European countries consume significantly more beer than the U.S.
However, the beer industry in America is witnessing a decline. U.S. beer shipments have reached their lowest level in 25 years, according to data from the Beer Marketer’s Insights. The small and independent brewers’ industry in the U.S. is also experiencing a decline, with overall beer production and imports down 5% in 2023, and craft brewer sales down 1%, according to the Brewers Association.
Bottom Line
The popularity of beer in the United States is undeniable, with certain states leading in consumption. However, the beer industry is experiencing a decline, with beer shipments reaching their lowest level in 25 years. It's interesting to note the factors that influence beer consumption, such as the absence of a state sales tax in New Hampshire. What are your thoughts on these findings? Feel free to share this article with your friends. You can also sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is delivered every day at 6pm.