Friend Turned Surrogate: Kamala Harris's McDonald's Job Confirmed

Harris' High School Friend Who Confirmed Kamala's McDonald's Job is a Campaign Surrogate and White House Guest
NY Times Defends Harris' Claim of Working at McDonald's
The New York Times defended Kamala Harris's assertion that she worked at McDonald's, citing a conversation her mother had with a high school friend. The report refuted Donald Trump's baseless claim that Harris never worked at the fast-food chain, with the friend and Harris's campaign confirming that she did.
Wanda Kagan: More Than Just a High School Friend
Wanda Kagan, who was portrayed by the Times as a close high school friend of Harris in Montreal, was reportedly informed by Harris's mother about the summer job. However, the Free Beacon has since revealed that Kagan is more than just a high school friend. She is a prominent Harris surrogate who has appeared with the vice president at multiple campaign events.
Kagan's Statement and Connection to Harris
Kagan expressed her joy and pride for her friend's fight for the American people during the Democratic convention in August. She is the first living person to corroborate Harris's claim of working at McDonald's since the Free Beacon investigation cast doubt on it seven weeks ago. However, Kagan's claim, which she allegedly heard from Harris's mother, cannot be verified due to her mother's passing. As of now, the Harris campaign has not presented anyone with firsthand knowledge of Harris's McDonald's job, apart from Harris herself.
Kagan's Relationship with Harris and Her Mother
According to PBS News, Kagan was not in contact with Harris during her alleged McDonald's employment but maintained contact with Harris's mother. Kagan and Harris share a deep bond. When Kagan revealed she was physically and sexually abused by her stepfather, Harris urged her to move in with her family, a story she has shared on the campaign trail. Harris stated that protecting people like Wanda was one of the reasons she became a prosecutor.
Changing Narratives about McDonald's Job
The Free Beacon also highlighted that Harris's narrative about her McDonald's job has shifted. Initially, her campaign stated she took the job to fund her college education at Howard University. Later, they claimed she worked there in the summer of 1983, after her freshman year of college, to earn extra spending money. Notably, Kagan was at the White House celebrating Harris's birthday the night before the NYT report was published, sharing a video of Stevie Wonder performing at the event.
Questions Raised About NY Times' Reporting
Questions have been raised about why the Times did not mention the close relationship between Kagan and Harris in their report.
Bottom Line
The debate over Kamala Harris's claim of working at McDonald's continues to unfold, with new revelations about the high school friend who confirmed her claim. It seems that the friend, Wanda Kagan, has a deeper connection with Harris than initially reported, raising questions about the credibility of her confirmation. What are your thoughts on this matter? Do you think this revelation will impact the ongoing debate? Share this article with your friends and let us know your thoughts. Also, don't forget to sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is available every day at 6 pm.