Mutant Ebola Strain Experiment on Hamsters Sparks Controversy

Mutant Ebola Strain Induced Lethal Outcomes in Experimented Hamsters
In an experimental study, Chinese researchers have formulated a variant of the Ebola virus in a lab setting, which led to the immediate death of a group of hamsters. The scientists associated with the research belong to Hebei Medical University based in Shijiazhuang, the capital of China’s Hebei province. They successfully incorporated a protein found in Ebola to a commonly observed disease in livestock. The horrifying consequence of this research was evident in the hamsters used during the experiment.
Observations Displayed Human-like Viral Symptoms
The hamsters that were given the synthesized injection demonstrated severe systemic diseases, similar to the symptoms observed in human Ebola patients. This includes multi-organ failure, weakness and discomfort, leading to rapid death. A report by The Daily Mail indicated a particularly gruesome symptom where the infected hamsters developed secretions in their eyes, blurring their vision and forming scabs on the surface of their eyeballs.
Experiment Bypassed High-Security Biosafety Level
Interestingly, the researchers executed these experiments using gain of function methods, thus evading the strict Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) protocols. With this, they could easily work on the mutant virus in a lesser secure setting.
Grave Impacts on Hamsters
An excerpt from the Daily Mail explained that the research team studied ten hamsters, with an equal distribution of males and females. All female hamsters showed drastic weight loss up to 18 percent and decreased rectal temperatures. Sadly, all of them died between 2 and 3 days after the experiment. Similarly, the male hamsters suffered a weight loss of 15 percent and succumbed to the disease within 3 and a half days. However, two male hamsters surprisingly survived and gained even more weight than prior to the infections.
Experimental Study Deemed Successful
Upon examining the organs of the deceased animals, the researchers discovered an accumulation of the virus in multiple organs such as the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, stomach, intestines, and brain tissues. Despite the distressing findings, the scientists considered the study a success, proving the capability of the surrogate virus and matched hamster Ebola virus disease model to improve the research in the Ebola field, both security, and economy-wise.
The Implications of the Study
This questionable research conducted in China has raised concerns of another potential lab leak, considering the somewhat frequent lab leak incidents that have occurred in the past, including that of SARS-CoV-2. Statistically, lab leaks occur every year and include releases of controlled pathogens like tuberculosis and anthrax, with approximately 70 to 100 releases were recorded annually. This calls for a more profound inquiry into the safety of such lab procedures and the potential risks they might impose.
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