Reviving the US Economy: Bold Proposals for Economic Recovery

Reviving the US Economy: Bold Proposals for Economic RecoveryReviving the US Economy: A Bold Proposal A group of alternative economists have been forecasting a range of instabilities in the US economy for quite some time. Their predictions have largely been proven accurate in recent years, leading to a scramble among corporate media economists to appear as though they had anticipated these dangers all along. Now, they are proposing their own solutions to problems they previously dismissed as conspiracy theories. But who should we trust to provide valid solutions? Understanding the Source of the Crisis It is difficult to trust someone to offer a valid solution if they fail to comprehend the source of the crisis. Similarly, it is challenging to trust someone to provide valid economic solutions if their job is to convince you of the economy's strength. The alternative media's accurate depiction of our nation's dire circumstances has earned them some trust points. However, being correct is just the first step. There will always be government shills attempting to undermine truth-tellers by arguing that they serve no purpose if they aren't actively addressing the problems they warn about. Diagnosis vs Prevention or Treatment While it's true that our movement tends to focus more on diagnosing problems rather than preventing or treating them, there are reasons for this. Articles that propose solutions tend to generate less traffic. Is it because people don't care, or is it because solutions are challenging and require vast coordination of people and resources to be possible? National solutions require millions of Americans to take action and take considerable risks. This is why humans generally adapt to the worst conditions until society reaches a breaking point. We wait until we can no longer tolerate the situation, and then we take action. Differences in Opinion within Liberty Movements Liberty movements are composed of individuals who all have their own ideas about what should be done. While most of us agree on the causes of the chaos, very few of us agree on what exactly to do about them. This lack of consensus is holding us back. However, time is running out and debate is a luxury. With stagflation continuing to crush the middle class and those already in poverty, Americans today are nearing a breaking point economically. The future looks bleak; housing costs have spiked beyond what the vast majority of people can afford. All necessities, including food and utilities, have seen a minimum price increase of 30%-50% since 2020, and inflation continues to rise. Stagnant Wages and Shrinking Profit Margins Wages are stagnant and profit margins for employers are shrinking, which means the job market will likely see cuts next. By the end of 2025, under current policies, we may witness a combination of serious deflationary and inflationary crisis events simultaneously. This includes a crash in employment and GDP combined with incessant price jumps on goods and services. This crash has been decades in the making and might be unavoidable. However, there may be a way out, but it requires dramatic changes in how our government and society operates. Proposed Policy Measures The policy measures suggested are a form of fiscal time machine – a way to turn back the clock on collapse. Some might consider them "radical," but they are only policies that America used to value and that we have been pressured to forget. Whether the modern American brain, with its steady exposure to big government and socialist programs, can handle such a shift is uncertain. If people are desperate enough, they'll accept any solution that they feel works. Currently, the elites that created the crisis are the only group offering a way out (a false way out). If given the power, this is the list of actions that would be undertaken to save the American economy before the end of 2025 (or at least set it on the path to resurrection). End Income Tax for the 99% The first step would be to end income taxes for individuals and small business owners outside of the top 1% of earners (those who make more than $800,000 per year). The permanent income tax was never meant to exist. It started in 1913 as a tiny 1% rate on net personal incomes over $3,000, and a 6% surtax on incomes over $500,000 (the super-rich at that time). Over the past century, it has ballooned into a 15%-20% monstrosity that is crushing middle-class buying power. It also feeds bigger government, which wastes money and leads to less and less freedom. There is no reason for the tax to exist for average citizens other than to act as a slave tribute to the Federal Reserve Bank. Shutting it down would immediately alleviate financial pressures on middle-class families, and getting rid of the IRS would certainly help shrink government spending. The government could pay for services and national security by printing most of that money from thin air, as they do now. However, tariffs on foreign trade used to be the main source of income for the federal government. Why not return to that model? End Property Taxes on Single Family Homes Property taxes are supposed to act as a fiscal buffer for local infrastructure and services. They are also meant to dissuade major buyers from hoarding homes and cornering regional markets. However, the taxes are doing the opposite of that. With high property taxes, most US families can't afford to own even one home, while corporate buyers snatch up distressed mortgages and drive up rents. This scenario will likely create mass homelessness. It's already starting in some areas of the country. Inflation in housing is bad enough, but the high interest rates on mortgages and the high property taxes on top of that are enough to break most middle-class buyers. Addressing rates and inflation is complicated, but property taxes could be ended tomorrow. High property taxes on corporate buyers like Blackstone might force them to release some of their holdings back onto the market, helping to alleviate the ongoing housing shortage. Communities could pay for local infrastructure and services through a fair sales tax or a tourism tax. Remove All Illegal Immigrants from the US All illegal immigrants need to go. All data shows they are a drain on national resources and welfare programs. Worse still, they receive subsidies from the government that allow them to snap up housing and eat into welfare programs. In some cases, landlords are enticed to rent to illegal immigrants over native-born citizens because they get more money (or tax breaks) for renting to migrants. Estimates from 2023 indicate there are at least 16.8 million illegal immigrants in the US today, with a net fiscal drain of over $150 billion per year. That's also millions of homes taken off the market by people who should not be in this country. US housing availability is currently in the negative by 5 million to 7 million homes (officially). Removing most illegal immigrants could be accomplished in a single year and would immediately solve housing shortages while bringing prices down by adding more supply. The money that goes to welfare spending on migrants could be better utilized for American citizens, including a better emergency response for those that lose their homes during natural disasters. Incentives for Married Couples with Children The western world has a population decline problem that is likely to hit us hard in the next decade. The elites claim that's why we need mass immigration, but fixing our population problem with cultural replacement from the third world is not the answer. A significant factor is the decline in stable relationships and nuclear families (marriage between men and women). This same lack of family stability is causing unprecedented social issues. Single mother homes are statistically more likely to produce children with criminal behavior and mental health problems. Children from fatherless homes are 20 times more likely to end up incarcerated. This is an insidious drain on our culture and our nation's wealth. Many men point out that marriage is a huge financial risk under current divorce laws, and this has made the practice untenable. But even removing unfair divorce laws would probably not solve the greater conundrum. Eliminating feminism from our society would be a good start, but that's an elusive goal requiring many years of social healing. One thing that could be done in a single year is to create incentives for married couples that want to have children. Easy access to home loan programs would be a start, along with educational subsidies for viable careers in STEM or technical fields so they can get higher-paying jobs that actually serve national needs. Eventually, a return to financially stable single-income families could be possible. Business and Technical Apprenticeships America's economy used to thrive due to the old standards of apprenticeship. This was a way for those who could not afford a higher education to still learn and obtain a valuable trade. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Paul Revere were all apprentices at one point in their lives. We need to bring this tradition back. Specifically, we need apprenticeships in business operations, medical, manufacturing, engineering, the sciences, technical (repair and fabrication), construction, as well as computer and software fields. The US has a self-sufficiency problem when it comes to production that needs to be solved immediately. Revitalizing America's worker base and small business base is the key to stopping our exponential slide into oblivion. We need to show people there's a light at the end of the tunnel, or they might give up completely. In particular, the trend of young western men dropping out of the workforce is worrying. Most of them want assurances that they'll be able to one day do a job that actually means something. Yes, some of them are spoiled overgrown children that have delusions of becoming YouTube stars, and there's no way to help those people. But many others are good men that are willing to work hard as long as they'll get a fair chance for something better in return. They have no direction because all the doors have been shut. Men make the world go around, and when a society abandons their young men the way the west recently has, only disaster can follow. Implementing Changes Quickly The above measures are all items that can be adopted in a very short period of time. In a single year, every one of them could be instituted by a proper government, federal or state. And yes, it's acknowledged that government officials with the courage to enact these policies are likely few. That's not a revelation, but that doesn't mean we abandon the effort. Even with a Harris presidency, individual states could save themselves with these solutions without federal assistance. Other actions would have to be long term. Reversing inflation, shrinking the size of government, ending the central bank and reverting money creation back to the Treasury, shifting the dollar to a commodity-backed system, rebuilding America's manufacturing base, etc. – All of these efforts will take many years to succeed. Getting off to the right start is essential. The above list could be implemented quickly and create a resurgence in economic optimism. This is the launch point by which all other solutions will unfold. It's not enough to declare our high-minded ideals and goals; there has to be a plan. Bottom Line Our economy is on a decades-long path to total collapse. No election can completely stop what is coming! That's why protecting your 401(k) or IRA is more critical than ever. With a physical gold IRA, you get an easy and tax-deferred way to safeguard your wealth with tangible assets. This article presents a bold plan to revive the US economy. What are your thoughts on these proposed measures? Do you think they could effectively address the economic challenges we face? Share this article with your friends and let's continue the discussion. Remember, you can sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is delivered every day at 6pm.

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Some articles will contain credit or partial credit to other authors even if we do not repost the article and are only inspired by the original content.