The Roots of the UK's Downfall and the Inevitability of War
The United Kingdom has been under scrutiny for a variety of reasons. Many people, including the author, have been critical of the UK's actions and decisions. However, it's important to note that the author was a strong advocate for Brexit during the negotiations from 2017 to 2019.
Brexit was essentially a battle between UK elites who were loyal to Davos, and the general population, supported by a group referred to as The British Remnant. This group is composed of individuals who still hold onto the glory of a lost Empire and will align themselves with whoever they can exert the most influence over.
However, neither of these groups truly care for their native population. The Remnant often invokes past glory to keep the "Little Britain" mindset alive, making the people believe that someone still cares for them. Unfortunately, there are no heroes in this situation, only villains and victims.
The UK's citizens are the victims, and their governments have been the villains. But is there a bigger villain? According to the author, the answer is yes - the EU. The EU's desire to do away with the British Remnant is seen as a good thing, but the people who are trying to replace the Remnant on the world stage are even worse.
Divide and rule is a strategy often used by abusers, narcissists, and villains. This strategy involves causing two factions to fight each other while the instigator aligns themselves with both sides. This tactic has been successfully used by the British and their allies for centuries.
The author expresses mixed feelings about these scenarios. The best outcome would be the survival of the US in its current form, the formation of the BRICS alliance to unify Asia, and the destruction of the post-WWII institutional order, including the old monetary system. However, the author believes that this outcome only has a 5-10% chance of happening.
Globalism will likely survive in some form, but it could be severely weakened and set on a different path. The author views the UK as a victim, trapped by its proximity and relationships with the EU.
The UK's economy is dominated by London. Without London, the UK would be an irrelevant economy. Taxes are incredibly high, only surpassed by the regulatory burden on the middle class. This has been discussed in a previous post about the television show Clarkson’s Farm.
The author argues that all of this is a result of deliberate policy. Three shocks to the British economy have caused significant damage: Brexit, COVID, and Ukraine.
Brexit was blamed for Britain's lost decade, which resulted in the people being angry enough to vote to leave the EU. However, the author argues that this was not the wrong choice. The Brexit vote was criticized because it was believed to be backed by big oligarchic "old money," rather than being a grassroots movement.
This is dismissed as nonsense by the author, who believes that Brexit was an opportunity for The Remnant to change the course of the country and begin triangulating between the US and Europe. The election of Donald Trump a few months later solidified this opportunity.
However, The Remnant made a critical mistake by using this opportunity to push the US, under Trump, towards their long-term goals of subjugating Russia and gaining control globally. The "uncertainty" over Brexit was a manufactured uncertainty created by both the British government and the EU to punish the British people for voting to leave.
The Brexit negotiations were a sham until the British people got involved, overthrowing Theresa May and bringing in Boris Johnson. It took three years to finally get the UK out of the EU, with Boris Johnson being elected in a historic victory in December 2019.
The weakening of the pound versus the euro was a major source of inflation in the UK in the years before COVID. However, there should have been a significant investment push into the UK that created new jobs because of the weaker pound.
Donald Trump promised this and was ready to give the UK a good trade deal, which would have been excellent for the middle class. However, the globalists within the UK political class sabotaged this at every turn. The EU dragged out negotiations for three years, ultimately losing the fight thanks to the alliance between Trump and Boris Johnson.
The UK pursued a typical IMF-style austerity program, which involved higher taxes and reduced social services to keep spending down and maintain the budget deficit at a prescribed level. This is seen as a recipe for economic destruction of the middle class by the author.
The better plan would have been to reduce taxes and spending at the same time, allowing bond yields to rise but issuing far fewer of them. Lower taxes would invite investment, which would ultimately raise tax collections overall while the debt grows at a much slower rate due to lower spending in the long run.
The author believes that the refusal to implement this plan is evidence that Western governments are deeply corrupt. The result was a strengthening of the pound versus the euro, which would have been beneficial if coupled with favorable trade terms from Trump. However, this was crushed from the perspective of Davos.
The COVID-19 pandemic hit in December 2019, just after Brexit was finalized. Britain left the EU, and Johnson and Trump became the main targets of the globalist operation to destroy the global economy. Johnson was forced to backtrack on lockdowns after a couple of attempts on his life, and the pound weakened again.
The author views COVID-19 as some form of operation and refuses to call it a pandemic because the political fallout from it was clear that this was a multi-theatre, multi-modal attack on the foundations of society itself. The author has previously discussed COVID from the perspective of it forcing the Federal Reserve back to the zero-bound after the US Treasury markets went 'bidless.'
The UK labor market suffered significant damage as the promises of Brexit never materialized. It never recovered because the EU refused to allow investment into the UK because it was no longer a member state. With Trump dealing with COVID and effectively being a lame duck, nothing was going to happen on Capitol Hill to help the UK break free of the economic stranglehold the EU had placed them in.
The operation was run out on Trump, with the intention of getting everything back on track. Brexit and Trump forced Davos to bring forward their timetable from 2030 to 2020. This will ultimately be their downfall, but they have caused significant damage to the world in the process.
After Trump was deposed and there was no trade deal, a strengthening pound would now deter foreign investment. Johnson was crushed. Powell started raising rates. The Bank of England raised rates ahead of him, crushing the pound and further eroding the British budget.
Once Powell started raising rates hard, Lagarde announced the TPI to protect bond spreads and the currency band, meaning she was going to further tilt the board in her favor. The whole euro-zone went on a US Treasury buying spree to keep the US dollar from rising too fast and to keep both City of London and EU banks from imploding. If Gilt and Bund prices fall too far, there will be a banking crisis in both places.
It should be clear at this point that both the Bank of England and the ECB are attacking their respective middle classes to foment the very currency crisis that we're on the verge of.
2021 is the year in which the US, through the Fed, begins tightening the noose on both of them, first by draining excess dollar liquidity globally through the Reverse Repo facility and then, after Powell's reconfirmation as FOMC Chair, through raising interest rates and quantitative tightening.
The war in Ukraine is the final shock to the British economy. The UK guaranteed billions in IMF loans to Ukraine to fight the war. In the context of all of this, it's no surprise that NATO was pushing for this war in late 2021/early 2022. At that point, they figured Powell was dead in the water, with Biden at the helm, and the insider trading scandal at the Fed robbing him of his lieutenants, Kaplan, Carida, and Rosengren.
In hindsight, February 2022 is a major turning point in this story. In the same week, we get Powell's confirmation hearing, and Putin surprises everyone by starting the war early. So, now, the plan which was to throw unlimited money at Ukraine at the zero-bound would now have to be funded at much higher rates, making it that much more difficult for the UK and the EU to finance their latest war for Asian physical collateral using US weaponry.
Liz Truss tried to implement a budget that would make the country energy self-sufficient, and we get the Gilt crisis of September 2022 because that budget looks unsustainable in the current rate environment. Davos activates Blackrock, who begins pulling investments from British pension funds. This is effectively blackmailing the Bank of England, who has to bail them out to the tune of 160 billion pounds, according to Mr. Krainer's analysis.
That brought down Truss' government, and it was timed with the death of Queen Elizabeth II. The last gasp of the Remnant was swept away. Charles ascends to the throne and begins the last phase of the destruction of the old British economy on behalf of his Davos handlers/benefactors/jailors.
The author criticizes the video for making too big a point about the resultant labor deficit in the UK, which was a manufactured outcome from the entire scheme to punish the country for Brexit. The EU warned Britons about this. They warned the US against voting for Trump. They will not stop until they have destroyed everything.
Rishi Sunak is brought in to maintain the current path to undermine Brexit by further saddling the country with unsustainable taxes, low purchasing power, more climate change/DEI/ESG nonsense to deter investment, and prepare the country for Keir Starmer. Sunak was brought in to destroy the Tories and prepare the country for one-party rule.
What set a lot of this in motion was Putin going for the decapitation strike on Kiev ahead of schedule. Putin did what he wasn't supposed to do: go first and invite the cheap moralizing of Davos and the West.
Everyone plays word games to justify the hardcore geopolitics of the war, but the framework is the same. The war was scheduled. It was inevitable. By going first with the wrong army for the task, Putin achieves the most important strategic goal, forcing NATO and the West into fighting in the Donbass on his terms, not theirs.
They will now have to settle into a protracted and expensive meat grinder. And here is where the Remnant made their fatal mistake, by telling Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to stay the course and not surrender in March 2022 in Istanbul. By guaranteeing support to Ukraine via the debt issued for Ukraine to fight the war, both Davos and the Remnant are at that moment pot-committed to playing this game out to the bitter end.
Putin knows that the longer this goes on, the worse it gets for both the UK, with Brexit fully compromised and hundreds of billions in loan guarantees it can't credibly back, and the EU, who are dealing with political revolts in their core economies - Germany, France, and Italy.
The only way out for them is for the US to fully commit to the Ukraine war militarily through NATO.
And that brings us to the events of July of 2024. This was the schedule on the Gantt chart in Brussels.
Sunak is deposed on US Independence day, just to rub our noses in it. Davos buttplug Keir Starmer comes to power and immediately begins the final betrayal of Little Britain.
Emmanuel Macron in France loses but just well enough to remain in power with his opposition canceling each other out.
Trump was scheduled to be assassinated in the 2nd week of July.
Biden removed from the scene after the debate, and the keys to the castle handed to Queen-heir-apparent Kamala Harris.
But a miracle occurred. Trump survived.
The buying spree in the US bond market had to intensify after that to finally force Powell to cut rates. But he held his water in July, waiting for the Bank of Japan to make their move on the last day of the month.
The Fed held rates high until last week. The bond market still sold off.
Now, with the end of LIBOR, the Bank of England is trying to figure out how to survive and was forced to not cut at the September meeting.
So, now, with all of that in your head, let's look at these past 2 years from the perspective of UK 10 year spreads versus their adversaries at Davos - the EU and the Biden Administration.
First up UK/German 10 year spreads:
From the time Yellen went to China and had her magical mushroom moment, her compatriot at the ECB, Lagarde began sitting on credit spreads. At the time we all thought it was to contain Germany vs. Italy. But that wouldn't hold together for long without help from a bigger market, in this case, the US.
But Powell was on a mission to send rates higher. So, enter Yellen who supports Lagarde at every turn to manage the supply and demand for US 10-year notes to keep a lid on German yields. And yet, in the past few weeks, since Powell began cutting and Ukraine defaulted on its IMF debt which the UK guarantees, referring back to Mr. Krainer, Gilt/Bund spreads are blowing out beyond Lagarde's carefully constrained ranges at the same time the EUR/GBP is threatening to break down out of a 7-year range.
Now let's look at the same events from Yellenville:
Note that both times that UK 10-years went +60 bps from US 10-years, something massive happened. Yellen went to China. The author called it then, saying that the reason for that was to save Europe's hide getting China to stop selling US bonds to move price. China agreed, and the TIC report is clear. China's holdings of US debt have bounced around between $750 and $800 billion for more than a year.
What was the quid pro quo? No further NATO prospects for Ukraine. Credit crisis in G-7 debt avoided.
From the UK's perspective, especially that of the British Remnant that is desperately clinging to their future, Yellen's Yield Curve Control (YCC) began the process of blowing out those spreads towards that fateful +60 bps level.
It's accelerated since July with Starmer at the helm, Trump surviving, etc.
So, now, if you are Davos and you are trying to destroy both of your enemies - the US and the Remnant - wouldn't you keep them running on auto-pilot into wars neither can fight?
Or if you're the Remnant, wouldn't you try