Understanding the Threat of Infaux Thuggery: A Battle for Free Speech

Don’t Let the ‘Infaux Thugs’ Close Down Debate
Understanding the Threat of Infaux Thuggery
Today's censors are using the term 'information' as a weapon. They label content they disapprove of as 'misinformation' or 'disinformation.' This justification is nothing more than a facade, a false pretense of protection. This act of pretending to shield people from harmful information through censorship can be referred to as infaux thuggery.
While these weapons are not visible, it's not difficult to see through the disguise and understand the underlying threat: conform or face consequences.
Global Examples of Infaux Thuggery
The UK's Online Safety Act is a prime example of infaux thuggery, as is Brazil's recent action against X (previously known as Twitter). The Australian government is also heavily influenced by these infaux thugs. The UK not only practices this form of censorship domestically but also promotes it globally.
The situation is similar in the United States. Kamala Harris has issued threats against those who amplify misinformation, promising to hold them accountable. Hillary Clinton has called for the criminalization of speech that she finds disagreeable. Tim Walz, Harris' running mate, has also threatened that there's no guarantee of free speech when it comes to misinformation and hate speech.
The Importance of Free Speech
Fortunately, at least in the US, these threats are not entirely accurate. As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. pointed out, the US Constitution prevents the government from suppressing dissent by labeling it as 'hate speech' or 'misinformation.' However, it's alarming that former Secretary of State John Kerry recently expressed his dissatisfaction with the First Amendment, stating that it hinders efforts to eliminate 'disinformation.'
It's true that malicious actors, including enemy states, can spread lies to create discord, especially online. However, in a society free from censorship, these big lies will be exposed and dismantled. In this battle, the infaux thugs are on the wrong side.
The Misuse of 'Information'
Infaux thugs misuse the term 'information' to create confusion. The content they suppress is better described as narratives, interpretations, opinions, or judgments. These terms are more encompassing and suitable for open and honest debate and controversy.
By opposing open debate, infaux thugs are launching an attack on modern civilization. They are invoking our primitive instincts from pre-modern times, where everyone was expected to believe and follow the leader's narrative. If you didn't adhere to the leader's narrative, you were considered a troublemaker and faced correction, expulsion, or destruction.
The Evolution of Free Speech
After the invention of the printing press and the civil and religious wars, Europeans realized that not everyone would share the same narratives. This led to a shift in governance. Society stopped enforcing uniformity in worship and opinion. Governments started allowing people to have different beliefs and interpretations of scripture, nature, society, government, and God.
James Madison, in The Federalist Papers, wrote, 'As long as the reason of man continues fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different opinions will be formed.' Our civilization decided that it's acceptable to express your thoughts, provided you respect others' rights and do not incite violence. Madison and his colleagues referred to this as liberty, which is the essence of classical liberal civilization.
The True Meaning of Information
The term 'information,' when correctly understood, suggests that the content is 'in form.' It is in a format that is widely recognized and understood, like phone numbers in a directory. The term 'information' assumes a functioning, straightforward format or interpretation for the content. Bad information, or misinformation, is not something that people passionately argue about.
What people do passionately argue about are competing interpretations of things. For instance, a social media post claiming that the Covid virus originated from a lab is not merely information. Until definitive evidence is presented, it's a broader interpretation of things, including the reliability of specific sources of content and evidence. Labeling it as 'misinformation' is, in itself, misleading.
The Impact of Infaux Thuggery
Infaux thugs put the targeted individual on the defensive. The individual might retort that they are speaking the truth, but their response often lacks conviction. They are trapped by the term 'information.' It would be more effective to assert their belief in their claims and their interpretation of the truth. They should invoke their right to discuss freely, which is a fundamental aspect of our civilization.
Infaux thugs violate our natural rights to personal freedom and property by threatening our freedom of speech. X/Twitter was coerced into withdrawing from Brazil, and the infaux thugs want the same to happen in the United States. Kamala Harris has even threatened Elon Musk, stating that he 'has lost his privileges and it should be taken down.'
More symbolically, the infaux thugs are violating the sacred spirit of our civilization. They are faux liberals, demanding illiberal powers in the name of liberty.
Infaux Thuggery: A Form of Censorship
Infaux thuggery is a blatant form of censorship. Everyone should play their part to ensure that this attempt to undermine liberal civilization does not succeed.
Bottom Line
Infaux thuggery is a growing concern in today's digital age. The misuse of terms like 'information,' 'misinformation,' and 'disinformation' to suppress dissenting opinions and narratives is a threat to the fundamental principles of free speech and open debate. While it's essential to combat genuine misinformation, it's equally important to preserve the right to express differing interpretations and opinions. What are your thoughts on this issue? Share this article with your friends and sign up for the Daily Briefing, every day at 6 pm.